Tuesday, November 25, 2008

fear of rejection

I think it was the fear of rejection,or rather an abstruct instinct.i would scrutinise who to tell and who not to tell.I remember when i was 18 and i was in a UNiCEF programe.i had been chosen to represent a politi2l constituency due to my academic performance.No one knew of my background at school.Even my foster parents jus knew i was a disadvantaged young man,period.Now we had our trip to Matopos in Bulawayo postponed and we were going to sleep in Highfields,a high density subura in Harare.Funny enough we went to Upenyu Utsva[new life] childrens home!Hey i didnt sleep that night.Story afta story the kids told us and i was taking comments passed by my friends and fellows.That was actually an eye opener for me.i started acceptinp my childhood and its history.Painful was the fact that i was gon live the kids behind.@ least they were going to school,had somewhere to scho sleep and something to eat.i remember a young boy who had big dreams of becoming a soccer star.thats when i saw the influence of celebrities

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