Alright, here they are! Fresh off the press!! This is the shirt that I will be wearing for the duration of the 16 days of activism. As you can see, it is very white! We will see how white it remains after 16 days of street life! I also printed a few extras for very special people. So here's the deal...the first 20 people that post a comment on this particular blog post will each get a free shirt! All you have to do is scroll down, click "comment", make some sort of comment and one, crisp, clean, white 365 Days of Activism shirt is YOURS! And though i look pretty, pretty dorky in that picture, I am very sure that you all will look TOTALLY cool!
Oh, and it might be a good idea to include your name, postal address, and shirt size (small, medium, large and XL) in that comment!
"History will have to record that the greatest tragedy of this period of social transition was not the strident clamor of the bad people, but the appalling silence of the good people." MLK
Whatever size you aare wearing. If it is smallish, then give me a large, otherwise a medium...
I need a shirt because I am very active!!
Since i have seen you blog about this i have wanted to get on a plane and fly to cape town and follow you all 16 days with a video camera.
For the record...i wear a medium. and don't worry, this comment does not count for one of the 20! i already have a shirt thank you very much!
Cant wait to start shooting on Tuesday!!!
I really think what you are doing is great!!!
XL please :)
Yeah! I'll be happy to sport a t-shirt in support of what you're do ing and hopefully start some conversations about it!!!
I wear a small, and if it's ok, i'd like to message you with my address on facebook... i'm a little shy about sticking it out there in public.
Thanks for doing what you do!
Hey Ryan! I think it's sooo amazing what you are doing! It's great you care so much about people! Good Luck!
Katy Kudrey
910 Hillside Drive
Cookeville,TN 38501
Hey ...its Taffie....
Although I am all the way in the UK I am supporting you guys all the and in the spirit I will be on those streets every day of the 16 days....
It's time that we stopped the SILENCE and started speaking the truth...
my add is
Taffie Tamba
and size is large
Love what you and others are doing there with this thing. (seriously, it's inspiring...I'm not in it for the shirt) Wish I could see it in action!!
Kyle Fuller
1133 Centerville Turnpike Apt. 102
Virginia Beach, VA 23464
Shirt size: M
“To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children...to leave the world a better place...to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.”
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
Though I would love to sport your conversation-starting shirt, I'm sure you'll meet someone in the next few weeks who likely needs it more than I do. If I'm wrong, let me know and I'll send my address via FB.
send the info on facebook rbecca! i have shirts for them too! and this comment doesn't count towards the 20 either! my shirt has not been stolen yet!!! only 11 free shirts remaining!
Brown... gosh I wish I was in cape town to support you in person on this great state example you are setting. Thanks for making the most of your ministry and making a statement to the world. I'm one of Brown's biggest fans!!
(have i sucked up enough yet? do you mail overseas? i take a small. and other south african goodies, too...)
miss you!! my love to my ZA family!!
Ryan, we are praying for you that God will keep you safe and in His care. We pray that your voice will be heard and the day will come when children will be off the streets and safe. God Bless you for your sacrifice. Go with God!!
Katie Sanning
Ryan I think its absolutely awesome what you're doing. Keep me posted on how it goes. Can't wait to hear about your experiences.
Brandy Hensley
8800 Cliff Cameron Dr.
Apt. 305
Charlotte, NC 28269
Sorry didn't leave my shirt size. Medium should work.
Yesterday is tomorrow...Brandy Hensley
I wish I could be a part of this Activism by being there physical, but since I can't I am trying to spread the word & will be following your 16 days w/ my Advisory students @ my high school.
We wish you luck :)
"It is under the greatest adversity that there exists the greatest potential for doing good, both for oneself and others."
Christina Gardner
233 Park Place #18
Brooklyn, NY 11238
small shirt (if they run large....)
Ryan, you are one active dude and you make us all proud. I take pride in telling people about my stepson in SA. Please don't upset the local police... I'm concerned for your safety. I'm sure you will be traveling with your gang (safety in numbers). Have fun!
p.s. I'm sure you don't have a shirt to fit me -- so don't worry about it.
G4S security stops in front of the shelter; the security hands me the papers to sign; the name reads Ryan Dalton;
I sign 365 days of activism!
Ryan make sure they catch before 10.00am so you can be in time for chokers and survivors with some java at yizani.
It's cool watching you "eating this elephant". I'll hopefully come check you out sometime.
Dude ANY T-Shirt that will make me look TOTALLY COOL should definitely be added to my wardrobe!!!!!!! Please Brown, I mean Ryan!!!
So I'm an XL, Sandi
145 Kommetjie Road, Fish Hoek
I'm in. For the record, I prevented a guy from wrecking his car when he had a high blood sugar spike due to his diabetes while driving this week. I'll send my address via facebook.
Also I decided to be a CASA volunteer, I think this is a great cause. Good luck.
I respect what you're doing Ryan and am will to support you and the cause. Let me know if your need anything.
Oh yea....and when am I getting my shirt?
Stephen Richardson
16 Prince St.
Cape Town
it is so amazing what you are doing! I can't wait to read what you'll experience!! GOD BLESS U!!!
PS: I'm not sure if there are still any shirts, but here's my address, would love to get one ;)
Janina Halbauer
Steinhaldenweg 34
73635 Rudersberg
Ola good sir, looking forward to documenting your journey.
That tall guy, so a big T
Have I told you lately that I love you?
Well folks, thanks for playing!! that's the cut off!! i am going to get the shirts in the mail on monday so watch out for them!!!! thanks for the support!
WhOOP, whoop!!!
write history, change the world.. I believe you are one of those people who actually will do that :-)
Thank you for doing this - I will be following you along the way - only sorry i am not in Cape Town at the moment to be a part of it.
Catherine van Schoor
34 Briana Avenue
Windsor Park
Diep River
Cape Town, SA
Hey Ryan,
I love this initiative, the amount of awareness that you have already and continue to raise for the plight of some of Cape Town and South Africa's most vulnerable is amazing!!!
I will definitaly come and check you out on the streets of CT.
Love Kerryn Rehse
P.S. I would love a T but would rather purchase one (Large please)
Please send me a mail: kerryn.rehse@gmail.com with cost please.
Yo, i'mma be at the V&A at the day that you perform and therell be a changing room downstairs so since you're the performing artist if you want I can have a mael ready for you as well as a (cold water only) shower.
Just lemme know.
(365 days of activism ambassador)
Hey, Can I buy a t-shirt? size small? I think its awesome what you are doing and would like to support you any way I can..
Good Luck! and take care!
Well, your mom said that Patrick and I have to check this out, so here we are! So cool, too! I'm glad she insisted. We so appreciate all you do to help those less fortunate than we are. Patrick and both admire you greatly.....We wish you all the luck!
Shana & Patrick
So hey, I don't really have to have a shirt....I just wanted to jump in and say, I pray the Lord uses this to open some eyes!
The Stefanicks
i wish the message could reach the majority across the GLOBE, be part of it and get involve like. PLEASE LETS STOP BEING NEGLIGENT.
ahoi ill give you Proudly Manenberg t-shirt so you will 2 white t-shirts for that 16 days.
This is awesome, Can I still buy a T-shirt?
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